Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lexicominos is a game of luck

Ever since I got Member on Funorb, I've been trying out all the games. I haven't been too happy that I had to pay money for such semi-standard "meh" games, but whatever, too late now.

I tried out Lexicominos. At first, I thought, "Wow this game is for the quick witted". But then I soon realized that the game is russian roullete. There is no way to use strategy or wit. You just have to play tetris and hope the words give you points.

You think I'm lying? I thought I was. But then I played Lexicominos in the German language. (I do not know a word of German). And I got a highscore better than half of my English highscores! Yeah, it is a game of pure LUCK.

If you get lucky you make points, if not, no matter how smart you are, you just lose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
