Sunday, June 3, 2012

Transformers Universe Builds Calculator

The best Transformers Universe Builds Calculator will allow players to import all their character details and then calculate their stats immediately right there. "If there's a problem, yo I'll solve it, check out my hook while the DJ revolves it." is what Megatron once said and if you're a FunOrb player that likes MMO's as much as I do, then you will love Transformers Universe so much that you'll play it all day long.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Diablo 3 Fansite Review: D3Sanc

Today we look at A fancy looking site run by a respectable fellow from Uganda. He created D3Sanc in response to his love for Diablo III. He painted posters of skulls and fire and strung them up on his vexellum outside his hut. He will be rolling a Monk but a Barbarian isn't such a bad idea either. Whatever he picks, he'll surely won't be picking the Wizard or the Witch Doctor, because they're boring.

Anyways, D3Sanc is giving away Diablo 3 beta keys and to get one, it's quite easy. Just Facebook them or Tweet at them, or post on their forums, and you're pretty much guaranteed to have a chance at winning a beta key.